Saturday, August 14, 2021

Making a Goal Board...With Your Own Graphics

 Have you ever heard of someone making a goal board? They're also called vision boards, treasure maps, they're fun to make and great to help you stay on track on meeting your goals. Just as the name implies.

Tricky part is finding the images. I always used to have an "idea file" on hand in which I would clip magazine pictures and save them to use for feature projects, That may sound old fashioned when compared to today's hi-tech ways of doing things, but I think it's a great way to get your own ideas in order. 

Here's my first goal board...I kinda got a little TOO colorful with it, I think...

So if you've got magazines lying around, feel free to do this, clip out any pictures that inspire you in some way, whatever they represent, and keep them all in one of those folders, a "poly view" transparent one is ideal as you'll know what's in there at a glance. 

You can also use your own computer program to come up with the text phrases and words. It can be MS Paint, Corel Draw, Photoshop, what have you, you can write out the words, and then enhance them with special effects like drop shadows and outlines so they will stand out more. 

That's exactly what I did with some of my phrases, then I printed them out and cut them and used adhesive to attach them to the background. I used a real art canvas, but if you can find a foam or bristol board that will work too.

Here is my finished goal board...Another thing I did besides creating embellished looking phrases and sayings (I also handwrote a few of them using a glitter pen too) You can do the same! I also had this tricky problem of what to do with "dead space" in which there isn't enough room for a new picture, but too much blank space showing. For that, I added just a some squares of cardstock, tailored in colors that match the room it hangs in.  My wall is a shade of light spring green so that's one of them.

So there you have it, some hacks for doing a gold board that looks impressive and spurs you on too!

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