Thursday, February 2, 2023

Duct Tape Wallet How-to

 Ever wanted to make a duct tape wallet? Me too...I remember when I first saw all this cool colorful patterned duct tape and wanted to make use of it as much as I could.

So once I attempted a wallet.

First cut out a thin piece of paper about 8" wide by 4" in height.

Take your tape and begin making long strips about that length (8") and attach each one to the paper piece, as you cover it, it is ok if the edges overlap a little.

Note: Just tear the tape. Don't bother cutting will "gum up": the scissor blades.

To create the pockets on the inside,take a small, 3" piece of tape, adn fold it over, the edges will stick. Take another piece of tape about that length and use this one to stick to the inside. Repeat two more times to create the inner slots.

To make the insert window (for your ID, most likely) take a piece of one of those clear vinyl poly-view sheets and cut a square about 3" by 4" Use more duct tape to create a border around it, on the inside.

This is what it looks like when it is finished...

Makes a great gift, make one to give, and make one for yourself in a different color pattern!

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